Networking and communication Assignment - Networking and Communication

Networking and communication we have network and communiate two boards.
we did Embedded Networking and communication assignment we have fabricate my own design of hello world board to form and we did wire network in between.

First design and fabricate board of hello

2) After this we design second board for communicating as below with light sensor


After this process we network two boards with wired connection
Actually I am networking two hello board one has added with light sensor As in input and output device.
I have program that board as LDR sences light and it gives high resistance to the input pin and all compairs input with value
if its value is high then output pin become high.
So that high output is the input to other hello world board throuh wired communication.
In other way high pulse is used to drive relay on the same board. Output is
high so this operate relay through transistor IC BC547.

Me and suyog struggling hard for this communication and many times we face power issue.
So for some time I take rest and after coffe break I have started for work.
Realy nice team work I share with Suyog and atlast finish the work.

My networking board run sucessfuly with wired network connection.

My networking board run sucessfuly with wired network connection.

Design board files

We refer the previous week assignment. Download mill board click here

Program Code

I did a very simple code in Arduino IDE. When light is detected in LDR sensor of board A, it turns out a led in board B

Click here for code from board A

Click here for code from board B


This video shows board A getting lit activates a relay and makes board B to lit a LED.